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Praise for ContentGenerator.net:
  I would like to thank you for making this available - the students have been amazed and the other staff have been wondering what all the cheering has been about!

... I have now managed to convince my school to buy a site licence!

Dr. Nick Dennis
  Thanks for your fast response to my order.  Just thought that I would let you know that I have already created my first activity!  I'm very impressed with your software - it's so easy to create engaging quizzes that the students love.  My cheque is already in the post!

Adrian Murray - businessstudiesonline.co.uk
  I had a group of 6th form lads who couldn't hear anything I said such was the concentration on the game, a group of year 11 "characters" asked to come in and use it over lunchtime and the cries of anguish that greet a "hit the bar" or penalty can be retaken message never fails to make me laugh! .... probably the best £25 the department has ever spent! (and you can quote me on that)

The game is absolutely fantastic, very easy to use and the finished product looks amazing! The purchase process was one of the smoothest I've come across on the web... whole process took only a few minutes.

Jo Norton - Manx History - see her games page
  Just a note to publicly thank Andrew really. I am so impressed with this software. I have just received the full software bundle and compared to all the software I have ever received from commercial companies it is incredibly user-friendly. I intend to use the tutorials to train up other staff in using the software, with a view to upgrading to a full school licence in the future.

The games are tried and tested already and now I can tailor them specifically to our schemes of work and individual lessons. The students are always asking me 'can we play that football game?' I think they might just be more frequently.

Gavin Holden
  GENIUS game - used in lessons, at parents evenings, for revision and by my friends/family at their workplaces when their own non-teaching jobs need a little sparkle!

Now if only I could put the Swansea City FC badge onto my goal keeper...

Donald Cumming
  The whole game creator concept is brilliant and it is all so easy to use. The ContentGenerator Forum will be good for purchasers to get help and support if they get stuck. It all seems thoroughly professional.

Carole Faithorn
  This is an exciting and professional product ideal for the creation of online starters and plenaries. Having had a privileged preview of it I can recommend Content Generator very highly.

Andy Walker - www.educationforum.co.uk
  Since I added a Penalty shootout review game to my website, students have been coming in before and after school asking if they can use my computers to play the game! I hope that this will raise test scores when we take the unit test next week.

.... today was the first day I had the Walk the Plank available to my students and it seemed to be very popular. Students can come after school for extra help or to complete missing assignments and this tutoring session usually lasts until 4:25.

Today several students wanted so badly to knock the teacher off the plank they stayed until I kicked them out at 5:10pm. Students who don't want to leave because they are engaged in a review game is a nice problem to have.

Mrs Hamilton - her games can be seen on her website.


Explore the use of these games and activities on my websites:

SchoolHistory.co.uk ReviseICT.co.uk