HoopShoot generator
- File Name
- HoopShoot generator by Andrew Field
- Submitted
- 25 November 2007 - 01:09 AM
- Last Updated
- 25 November 2007 - 01:09 AM
- File Size
- 2.03MB (Estimated Download Times)
- Views
- 63465
- Downloads
- 166
This is the release version of the HoopShoot generator.
- This is the first commercial release from ContentGenerator.net Suite 2
- You need to register the game with your username, serial number and password - please contact us if you have lost these details.
- This program allows you to generate your own basketball game where players have to get a question correct to be allowed to take a shot
- Minimum of 10 questions required for a game
- One player, two player and 'time challenge' options
- Based on the original, extremely popular version on the SchoolHistory.co.uk website, but this release has vastly improved graphics and multimedia
- Multiple-choice questions need from one to three incorrect answers - supporting true / false questions together with longer answers
- The generated games can be used on an individual computer, school intranet, VLE or any website. Generated games are in a fully packaged .swf format so are fully portable.
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